Monday, February 10, 2020

The Most Important Contributors to Health Compromising Behaviors Essay

The Most Important Contributors to Health Compromising Behaviors - Essay Example One in five of all deaths every year in the United States have been credited to smoking, killing more than AIDS, suicide, alcohol, car accidents, homicide, and illegal drugs combined (American Cancer Society, 2004). Smoking is badly affecting the society. It is the most common addiction all around the world. In developing and countries where literacy rate is nil or less are more addicted to smoking and hence their behavior towards their relatives, education, society and future changes. With the adverse affect on health they face mental sickness. To decrease the rate of smoking many coutries are taking necessary steps as Bishop and Yoo (1985) declared that a surgeon's general report in 1964, regarding the knowledge of severe health affect of smoking, showed a diminution in cigarette sales. Before the provision of this report, taxes fixed on cigarettes were intended just to raise the revenue on the sale of cigarettes. However, after the provision of the Surgeon General's report, the ta xes fixed on cigarettes had an additional purpose of discouraging cigarette smoking (Meier & Licari, 1997). However, a great amount of people are addicted to alcoholic drinks, which are also a chief cause of ill-health nowadays. Drug abuse not only affects an individual but harm the whole society or community. The people who are addicted to alcohol consumption not only waste their money and precious time due to intoxication but also leave a bad impact on their young ones. Research explains that increased sales law enforcement can decrease the selling of alcohol to individuals. Plainly, setting up enforcement of lowest alcohol buying age laws is desired to make them more efficient (Grube, 1997). Drinking is harmful for the social and cultural values of a person. Intoxicated drivers do not just harm their own life but may also create risk for the other drivers and people around. Alcohol users being well aware of these problems do not quit it. Extreme drinking is really terrible for physical and mental conditions. Alcohol increases the risk of serious illness like heart disease, liver disease, reproductive problems and memory loss. It is declared in journal of the American medical association, the death rate of Alcoholic women is comparatively greater than Alcoholic men. This journal also declares that the danger of breast cancer rises with the regular use of alcohol. Although alcohol use is ordinary among a greater part of college undergraduates (Kuther & Timoshin, 2003; Ziemelis, Bucknam, & Elfessi, 2002), a division of students busy in a type of drinking behavior that occupies great levels of alcohol use which may put them at danger for communal, mental, emotional and physical troubles. This specific type of drinking behavior has been identified in the literature as binge drinking and includes the extreme use of alcohol in short periods (Murgraff, White, & Phillips, 1996). Current approximation discovers that about 44 percent of college students are resulted to be involved in binge drinking behavior (Torr J.D., 2002). Excessive drinking is a severe problem found in numerous colleges. To tackle this problem, study has swung towards knowing why college students use alcohol at height well over secure limits on sole drinking occasions (Murgraff et al.). More

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